Provision of 417 high-quality student bedspaces with extensive internal and external communal amenity spaces

PBSA will be provided on a 51% Nomination Agreement with a University / Higher Education Institution

35% affordable student bedspaces

Delivery of a highly sustainable development with promotes resident health and well-being

Re-provision of over 125% of pre-existing light industrial, creative and SME floorspace

Contribution to the emerging townsacpe through the delivery of a sensitively designed development, tailored by its context

Activation and re-definition of Armoury Way, supported by extensive public realm improvements and new connections through to the gasholder site. 61% of the site is open, landscaped space

A car-free development with comprehensive cycling facilities

A new high-quality development by a world-renowed architectural practice to help realise the ambitions for the regeneration of the Wandle Delta

S106 and CIL contributions towars Wandsworth infrastructure, as well as employment and training programmes