Above: view of the frontage to Armoury Way with the proposed development of the neighbouring SGN Gas Works site behind.

Our proposals have been carefully designed to respond to the expectations of the Masterplan and neighbouring sites. The design has sought to maximise the amount of publicly accessible open space as well as attain high environmental standards.

Height and layout

The height of the buildings responds to the neighbouring context by stepping up towards the centre of the site and stepping down to the River Wandle in the west and the Old York Road Conservation Area in the east.

The buildings follow the profile of Armoury Way and benefit from a generous set back to allow for a planted green buffer. They have been arranged in a staggered composition to present elegantly proportioned gables to Armoury Way.

In the middle of the site there is a clear opening between the two blocks to provide a public space and signpost the start of a new route from Armoury Way, that will continue to the north, through the Gas Holder site to the Thames riverside beyond.

Architectural Appearance

Above: Analysis of local buildings that inform and inspire the large scale architectural features.

The palette of colour and materials have been carefully considered to create attractive buildings which take inspiration from the local area and will ensure that the buildings fit well within their new context. Different materials will be used to provide variance and interest and ensure a high quality scheme to improve the townscape. 

Below you can see the elevation facing Armoury Way with the SGN Gas Works scheme in the background.