Above: A view looking south east towards Block B from the new public space at the heart of the scheme.

Our proposals will see the construction of two mixed-use buildings comprising modern light industrial and commercial uses at ground floor and high quality student residential accommodation on the upper floors.  We also propose an additional building accommodating further state-of-the-art light industrial floorspace for Small & Medium Enterprise (SMEs) and new start-ups.

These proposals meet Wandsworth’s Local Plan designation that the development of this site should contribute to the provision of a mix of residential and intensified economic uses, including the provision of SMEs.

Purpose built student living

Our proposals help meet a rapidly growing demand for student accommodation in Wandsworth and London as a whole.  Many students currently live in houses which were formerly family homes (Houses in Multiple occupation - HMOs). Providing new purpose built student accommodation should increase the availability of such houses for family occupation.

Introducing student accommodation at this site will make a positive contribution to Wandsworth Town, helping to make it an even more economically active place courtesy of a new student population spending money in the local economy.

This development will provide 417 high quality studio and cluster bedspaces, 35% of which will be affordable. A Nomination Agreement will be entered into with a Higher Education provider for 51% of the student accommodation rooms.

Downing has an exemplary record of managing student accommodation and was recognised for such when they were awarded ‘Operator of the Year’ at the 2023 Property Week’s Student Accommodation Awards. The judges commended them for their customer-first ethos and satisfaction ratings, highlighting these as beacons of exemplary operation.

Downing operates over 7,000 student bedspaces across the UK, and are a trusted and professional operator of purpose built student accommodation. 

New light industrial and SME / commercial uses 

Both buildings will include modern light industrial and commercial uses at ground floor and an additional building will accommodate further state-of-the-art light industrial floorspace for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and new start-ups.

Our proposals will create a diverse range of opportunities for clean, low noise, low transport commercial and employment uses.  This includes the reprovision of over 125% of previous industrial, creative and SME floorspace, which will contribute to a thriving and vibrant Wandsworth town centre.

The commercial and student uses proposed achieve the objective that this location should provide a mix of residential and intensified economic uses, including cultural workspace and provision for SMEs.

Below: A typical ground floor commercial frontage (to left) and a typical use of former shipping containers for industrial and commercial use.