Above: The public space at the heart of the scheme highlighting the hard and soft landscape details.

Providing high quality buildings within a generous, green setting has been a key consideration.

More than 60% of the site will be landscaped.  This will enhance the appearance of the surrounding area and provide an attractive setting for residents and new businesses.  There will also be a substantial new public plaza at the heart of the scheme with fully accessible seating areas, street planting and sustainable drainage features. New through routes will be created for people to enjoy.

The planting has been thoughtfully designed to create a river corridor character to link to the River Wandle, using native species to substantially improve biodiversity and encourage wildlife.

Above: The landscape strategy.

Rooftop terraces will be provided on both buildings to create usuable green spaces for students to enjoy. The terraces will be planted with trees, and raised planters with a variety of shrubs to improve local biodiversity and wildlife. The landscaped design will incorporate relaxation areas for socialising, studying and outdoor dining to ensure a range of amenities are available for residents.

Above: Details of layout and planting on roof terraces to Blocks A & B.

Sustainability Strategy

The project will be a low carbon development. Our Strategy will significantly improve air quality, biodiversity, local wildlife, personal well being and the local environment.